Saturday 12 November 2016

This is the world we live in folks.

I was pleased to get back to a single-framer.

As far as the drawing goes, it's very lazy, I only had to add eyebrows to a 'stock' frame. I decided to write the word 'sarcastic' into the bubble because I wasn't sure that it was clear enough that she isn't being serious about changing her name. Or maybe that's spelling it out a bit too much? (pun intended!)

This one was inspired by a true story (or at least something I read on Wikipedia). I fell off my chair laughing at the tale of guitarist Rik Emmett changing the spelling of his name after it was misspelled on the cover of Triumph's first album. "...rather than have the album recalled or cause confusion with fans..." That's very accommodating of him. When I told my mum this story, she said "it could have been worse" which made me laugh even harder than I did at the original story.

A search of the web for possible misspellings of 'Yvonne' turned up a page of gaffes by Starbucks employees. I wonder how that Yvonne felt about having Evan written on her cup?

As humans, the lazier of us are pretty prone to making compromises or workarounds rather than properly fixing our own mistakes, hence Maureen jumping at the chance to avoid her paperwork.


  1. It doesnt help when people don't know how to spell their own names :-)

    Burocracy is a terrible thing - you should watch the film 'Brazil', I love the way it pokes fun at the subject.

  2. I take it then that there's a k in your name on your birth cert...?

    Brazil - yes! love it. Starts with a fly in a printer.

    Bureaucracy (if we're being pedantic about spelling) isn't a route I've deliberately chosen, but we've also had the name badges recently (inspired by folk in an office I worked close to, where some were pretty obsessed with their role in generating these things). Sheep / bureaucracy - yes there's potential there!

  3. It wasn't intended as a dig at you but it did occur to be that you could be included in this subset.

    Me?.. r1ck isn't even my first name!

    I think you've played quite nicely on the sheep burocracy in the past, especially with the neighborhood watch stuff.

    There's so many things I like about that film. But overall there's the lengths they go to in the physical world to try and solve a burocratic problem which is essentially a given as impossible to undo.

    BTW - the use of "(sarcastic)" in the bubble was a good call, together with the eyebrows.

  4. Ah, thanks for that. I've remained really unsure about (sarcastic). You know I'm wary of spelling things out too much.

    That's the victim complex, I just assumed you were getting at my first name!

    Definitely some mileage in the bureaucracy, what with the characters being sheep!
