Friday 14 October 2016

looking back, looking forward

Looking back over some previous posts on this blog, things have moved on considerably in a remarkably short time.

A year ago I was only just setting out on my Yvonne journey, and I've just published #108
Sometimes I've set out wanting to express some kind of message (read: have a rant). This one is unusual in that since drawing it I've been struggling to find my position on the matters within. It started out as a skit on the old sexist 'make us a cup of tea, love' and I suppose for comedy value I looked for the unexpected turn.

I'm not saying that being submissive to bad behaviour should be rewarded, and I'm not having a go at the feminist.

If anything, I suppose my position is that it's good to have principles, but sometimes sticking to them can be counter-productive.

It was very quick to produce; largely a 'copy and paste' job, with a bit of rubbing out and an extra few lines (the heart and the tails).


  1. One thing I'd like to comment on is line thickness.

    When you shrink objects down, then the line tends to get thinner too.

  2. That's true, but it was a conscious decision to leave the lines thinner in this case. Previously when I've had sheep further away (smaller) I've inked them the same thickness as the foreground, but in this case after reducing the size of those two, I decided that it looked right - it gives them less focus which is right in the context of the story. Maybe that's wrong, maybe they'd look better with the full thickness lines, I'll experiment.
